We do not have a time of public giving during our regular Sunday morning services.
If you would like to give to the work we’re doing to spread the gospel of our Lord, Saviour and Treasure, Jesus Christ, you can do this in one of two ways:
Shore Baptist Church
03 0114 0175458 000
If you’d like a tax receipt at the end of the year, or if you are giving to a particular need or cause, please include details with your payment.
Donations, Receipts and Tax Credits
Shore Baptist Church is a donee organisation, registered with the Charities Commission under registration number CC46074. Our charitable purpose is the promotion of religion wholly or mainly in NZ.
On request, general donations made by identified donors to Shore Baptist Church qualify for issue of an annual receipt, which can be used for a tax credit claim on an IR526 form by individuals.
Donations marked as specified for particular funding projects will be applied to the projects specified. However, if the specified project is overseas, the receipt issued will not qualify for tax credit claims.
Please direct any questions to info@shorebaptist.org.nz.